Michael Lang
Washington, DC United States
Michael Lang’s interest in photography began at 14 when he was given a Leica camera and darkroom equipment. He was mentored by advanced amateur photographers, learning composition and photographic technique. He decided to go outside the confines o... More
Artist Statement:
Michael Lang’s interest in photography began at 14 when he was given a Leica camera and darkroom equipment. He was mentored by advanced amateur photographers, learning composition and photographic technique. He decided to go outside the confines of the classical photographic image to pursue the photo-essay in order better to communicate what he saw in the world around him. He soon discovered that he could become invisible to those he was photographing and gain an unusual closeness and intimacy with his subjects. This quality is seen throughout his work.
Artistic Influences:
Michael Lang's work conmes out of the tradition of social documentary photography and the photo-essay exemplified by the work of Henri Cartier-Bresson, W. Eugene Smith, and Robert Frank, among others.
Artist Tags:
street photography, social documentary photography, black & white, color, vintage pool hall images
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