Color For Your Kid’s Room
He has no degree in sculpting. He's not a structural engineer, and he's not an architect. He is simply a man who found his passion. "Most of the wonder that I feel is in the actual making of..."
12 Album Covers by Famous Artists
Great music and great art, what more could you want? Read more to find out more about one of the most memorable artist-designed album covers in recent history and discover which one of the kings of contemporary psychedelic art...
For All of the Coffee Lovers
Is it just me or is it becoming more difficult to get out of bed every morning? Most days, I find myself crawling to the nearest coffee shop to get my daily dose. As I thought about my beloved...
Catwalk Canvas
The dresses took over 700 hours and almost one ton of paper to produce. Then, on the day they were presented, they were ceremoniously ripped up on the cat walk...